My first Miracle (#1)

March 1, 2012 § 2 Comments

I agree that miracles are a good “foundation” or a “start” for the acceptance of God. It’s like the step one for anyone, especially in the old days to believe the truth. Let’s say 2000 years ago, if you see the ocean splits in half, or your dead cousin came back to life after 4 days in the grave. You would definitely, believe there is some sort of supernatural force, or there is GOD. This post is not to debate or discuss about if the miracles in the bible did happen or not. Because I think I could write a whole book with 20 chapters on this with good supports and thesis. Anyway, this is just something random I wanted to share with you, and also begin sharing with you.

“And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed.” (Mark 16:20)

So I have been documenting what I consider to be miracles performed by God everyday. (from curing diseases, to random ‘too much of “just a coincidence”) Sorta like a journal entry or a dream log, but i try to write it down on small notebook. I should probably go back to why I began doing this.

OK. I believe I’m one of those people that can sense or see more in spiritual world. (No, i’m not one of those kids that sees dead people.) But, since I can remember, I have always known there are Good and evil, spirits, around the world. I believe some people are more intone with this than others. And there are too many things that happens in this world that is a “coincidence.” Even if it’s like de ja vu, or you think about someone you haven’t seen in a while, and then they just randomly show up. I believe nothing in the world is a coincidence, it happens for a reason.  So there are many more to the list below, but this is just on the top of my head that I experience, examples:

1.) Intuitions-the ability to sense the future, or you dream of things that is going to happen. (i’ll get more indenth about this later.)
2.) Sensitive to the spiritual world-some people say they see auras, or spirits, or can communicate with “them.”
3.) Goosebumps? sorta like you get goosebumps when you get scared, but it’s some sort of radar that your heart or your sprit is telling you a msg.
4.) superstitious-some call it superstitious, but at this time, I believe people who are superstitious is actually “blessed” with the ability of FEAR of a greater power.  I think being superstitious is one of the path ways to find the truth for any non-believers, because somewhere in your heart, you know there’s a power much greater when you.  And you do not know, or understand, therefore you get scared, and become superstitious. (because you want to avoid bad things from happening, or you just believe what everybody else is saying.)
5.) Miracles- sometimes crazy miracles just happens when you ever expected.

Here’s my first ever miracle that is ingrained in my memory:

  • When I was super young, I think I was like 5 years ago. The shower water heater system is very ancient in Hong Kong. Back then you have to turn on the heater switch to get hot water running, and this process usually takes 30 to 40 minutes for the water to heat up. So at 5 years old, I had the habit of just not turning on the water. I would get all ready for my shower, and then scream super loud for my mom to turn on the heater. As a punishment during that season, I remember my mother would purpose make me wait in the bathroom and learn to turn on my own water, instead of blaming everyone at the house and whining. So I remember this one time, as usual, I forgot my hot water. But I had already taken off all my clothes, and at the time, for me to put clothes back on, and go outside to turn the water heater on, was definitely a “the end of the world” moment. So here I’m , about to face the trial and tribulation of WAITING and getting yelled at by Mom. It was my first years of kindergarden (a christian school.) And as a little kid, the teachers told me like I’m a little kid that, if I needed anything, just say Jesus’ name, and TRUST, and He will give it to me! So I had no choice but to pray, “JESUS!!! please gimme some HOT WATER!!! COMMON!! pls pls pls, jesus, jesus, jesus.” (I guess my father saw this situation, and had flip the switch for me at the time without me knowing.) HOWEVER, when I turned on the water, there were a nice hot flow of steamy water coming out. This, as a 5 year old, that was what I called a miracle happened. (of course, in my earlier years, it was like an exchange for goods, or things.)

So way later on in my life, when I was told the gospel of Jesus Christ, after a bit of research and self battles, long story short, I accepted. “Miracles” been happening ever since I was 5 though. Such as: intuition about car accidents…etc. Of course, I also had my dark days later on that I have left God, and went really far away from Him, which I would like to share that here sometime in the future. But miracles still kept happening. In this year, and especially recently now that i’m back closer to God, I started realizing, discovering, and accepting that God’s been performing miracles in everyday life.

Sometimes we forget the smallest things, and we end up missing the miracles that God performs in our lives. Even the smallest details like: Someone tells you a scripture that links to your current life events, and then on multiple occasions, the SAME scripture or message pops up. That, my friend, is a miracle, and God is trying to communicate. Has that every happen to you? 

So I will be sharing random miracles that God performs on my blog. I will try to include the eye openers big miracles.

Do you believe in Miracles? Big miracles? Small happenings? Have FAITH! miracles happens.

“How shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.” Hebrews 2:3-4

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