Don’t be buggin’

March 5, 2012 § Leave a comment

There is a ridiculous traditional today that happens once a year. Translates: “Put Curse on Your Enemy” day. I could not believe my eyes on how many people had “enemies” they wish to put “curses” on. This so called act consist of paying an old chinese lady to pound her shoe against a piece of paper with an animal shape, or drawing. I feel sorry for so much dislike in the city. (by the way, I totally speak against this act, and also it just does no make ZERO sense. if a two people puts their so called ‘curses’ on each other. who wins? the old lady, cuz she just made three hundo EACH. booya.)

ALTHOUGH. I admit to you, it does drive me CRAZY when I think about other’s opinions of me. Especially when certain people that just dislike me for no reason (or actually for many reasons.) We’re human. It is natural to have differences. It creates insecurity. I judge. therefore they judge. Then It becomes a cycle of judging each other in the mind, then criticizing indirectly, and directly if it gets worst. Feelings are hurt.  And nobody feels good during this. everybody loses.  And it’s NOT start on the whole “frienemy” thing. because then it just gets confusing, and especially in a place like Hong Kong, where this game becomes cut throat, ‘better than your TVB soap opera’ complicated, just straight up devious.

Now, I’ve been celebrating my presence on this planet for quite some years now. The “if you can’t win them, join them” DOES NOT WORK in this case. You can’t keep this “hate “cycle going, because this is how WAR starts. Hearts bleed. and it hurts.“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9, NIV).

But since it is natural the “thing” to bug your head for a while. Recently I’ve come up with a new solution to this:

Whenever someone really trespasses you. (first you need to forgive them. obviously. drop it.) then every time you think of this person, or situation: JUST say in your head “Bless them. Bless her. Bless him.” If you’re stuck in a situation where this person is REALLY BUGGIN your head. You’ll probably bless this person 50 times a day (like I do.) But I really think it works. You should try it. B/c it’s natural for us humans to NOT want the “enemy” to be blessed, having a fabulous life. But by doing this, not only are we getting right with God, but we’ll eventually forget those people. Joel Osteen’s wifey said this on her blog, that spoke to me also.

“In the same way, when we pursue peace with others, it doesn’t mean that we just refrain from arguing with them or that we just stay quiet around them. Peace takes effort. It happens when we make amends quickly and refuse to allow offense to take root in our hearts. You may not always agree with everyone around you, but you can still have peace when you agree to disagree and choose to respect the person even you have different views or opinions. one thing I find interesting about the oyster is that when a grain of sand, an offending irritant, makes its way into its shell, that oyster doesn’t let much time pass before it begins working to push out that irritant. In fact, it doesn’t let the sand linger at all because the oyster knows it will cause so much damage. In the same way for us, if we allow offenses to hang around, they will cause damage that can be nearly impossible to reverse. The results can be devastating in our own hearts and lives.Today, if you are holding on to an offense, let it go. Don’t wait another moment to seal off the bitterness, anger and unforgiveness. Nothing is worth the damage that offense can cause in your relationships and in your own life. Make the choice to cover the offense with love and pursue the “pearl” peace. Set your heart and mind on things above—things that matter in eternity. Make peace a priority because when you are a peacemaker, God says that you are blessed! You are connected to Him, and He will turn those hurts into priceless pearls for all eternity!”-victoria osteen


i think this perfectly describes what makes people human. when people “break down” or have a emotional breakdown it is usually over a tradgedy or sadness of some kind. there is a strange beauty in this, because the heart of humanity is our emotions. although it can seem like the world is ending, when you feel like you cant sink any lower, just remember this: in order to feel that level of devastation, you had to have experienced something very very wonderful. be glad that it happened. there is truly beauty in that. -anonymous

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